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  • Writer's pictureT.I. Lowe

Preparing for Seasons of Life

“Tobacco season was more like a carefully paced marathon than a sprint.” -Austin Foster, Under the Magnolias

Under the Magnolias is set on Nolia Farms, a tobacco farm in the 1980’s. I have personal experience with tobacco farming, because it was my very first job. And what a first job experience it was! I learned many a lesson during that summer job, but the one I’d like to share with you today is the importance of prep work.

The beginning of tobacco season typically starts in late spring and goes well into September. Prepping for the season is crucial to the outcome of the end product. Much like life. If you want to achieve a successful season of life, you have to put in the prep work from the very beginning and continue to nurture that along the way.

My current season is the launch of Under the Magnolias. I completed the writing part of this book well over a year ago, but it has taken a good bit of tending to for it to be ready to share with the world. Cover design, edits, proofs, marketing strategy, and the launch campaign. Preparing to launch a new book takes months of work leading up to the release date. Interviews, guest posts on different platforms, social media promos, etc. I actually recorded a podcast interview way back in November for this May!

For my daughter’s softball season, it took a considerable amount of prepping with practices, meetings, equipment purchases, and new cleats to accommodate her ever-changing foot size. Without all that prep, Lu would be set up to fail. And that’s a no-go.

I could go on and on with examples, but I think you get the point. Prep is key, no matter the task at hand. I’m a believer in the idea that you get out of life what you put into it. If you want the best outcome, then you have to be willing to give it your very best.

What season of life are you prepping for at the moment?

For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. 2 Corinthians 9:10 (NLT)

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Janet Beck
Apr 18, 2021

I'm prepping for "older" age, not just old age! I believe I've come this far because I've taken care of my health by exercising (walking) daily, no matter the weather; eating well (plenty of fresh & cooked veggies, some protein, some fresh fruits - all mostly organic & very little processed foods); taking vitamins & minerals & other good stuff; working hard & staying busy with the good things of life that have been shown to me by my Father in heaven; and last but certainly not least, praying & talking with God daily, thanking Him for bringing me this far. This is the bulk of what has sustained me for decades now.

But, I'm now noticing that I tire…

T.I. Lowe
T.I. Lowe
Apr 18, 2021
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Oh yay!! I can’t wait to see y’all! Thank you!

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